Sonia gandhi death
Sonia Gandhi (bahasa Hindi: सोनिया गाँधी, dilafalkan: / soːnɪjaː gaːndʰiː /) (lahir 9 Desember ), atau nama aslinya Edvige Antonia Albina Maino, adalah politikus India kelahiran Italia, former ex Presiden Kongres I, dan janda mantan Perdana Menteri India Rajiv Gandhi.
Autobiography of sonia gandhi wikipedia indonesia |
Sonia Gandhi is an Indian politician. |
Indira gandhi wikipedia |
Sonia Gandhi (bahasa Hindi: सोनिया गांधी; lahir Edvige Antonia Albina Maino di Lusiana, Itali pada 9 Disember 1946) ialah Presiden Parti Kongres India keturunan. |
Priyanka gandhi wikipedia |
Sonia Gandhi (b. |
Rahul gandhi |
Sonia Gandhi (boros Hindi: सोनिया गांधी; nosusu Edvige Antonia Albina Maino id Lusiana, Itali ontok 9 Momuhau 1946) nopo nga Presiden Parti Kongres India kiraha'. |
Rahul gandhi wikipediaRajiv gandhiSonia gandhiBiography, history, & facts Is sonia gandhi alive
Sonia is the widow of Rajiv Gandhi, elder son of Indira Gandhi. She has two children, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi, who both serve as Members of Parliament in the Lok Sabha. In August , she underwent successful surgery for cervical cancer [ 88 ] in the United States at Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center in New York. [ 89 ]. Sonia gandhi real name and history
Sonia Gandhi (born December 9, , Lusiana, Veneto region, Italy) is an Italian-born Indian politician who was president of the Indian National Congress (Congress Party; –, –22) and chairperson of the United Progressive Alliance (–), a coalition of centre-left parties.
Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas Sonia Gandhi was born Sonia Maino on December 9, , in the small village of Orbassano, just outside Turin, Italy. She was raised in a traditional Roman Catholic household, and her parents, Stefano and Paolo, were working class people.autobiography of sonia gandhi wikipedia indonesia2 Smt. Sonia Gandhi was the longest serving President of the party, having been elected since She is also the Chairperson of the Coordinating Committee of the ruling coalition, the United Progressive Alliance. Smt. Gandhi was born on December 9, Rahul Gandhi - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas Sonia Gandhi's autobiography will be the first comprehensive autobiography of a Nehru-Gandhi family member. Former Congress president Sonia Gandhi has signed up with HarperCollins (UK). Sonia gandhi husband
Sonia Gandhi is an Italian-born Indian politician who has held the position of president of the ‘Indian National Congress’ party since She was re-elected to this position for the fourth time in , thus becoming the longest-serving president in the year-history of the ‘Congress’ party. Sonia gandhi parents
info); born Edvige Antonia Albina Màino, [4] [5] [6] 9 December ) is an Italian-born Indie politeecian, wha haes served as Preses o the Indie Naitional Congress pairty - [5] She is the weedae o umwhile Prime Meenister o Indie, Rajiv Gandhi wha belanged tae the Nehru–Gandhi faimily. Sonia gandhi real name before marriage
Indira Gandhi; Rajiv Gandhi; Sonia Gandhi; Abraham Lincoln; John F. Kennedy; Martin Luther King Jr. Pembunuhan Mahatma Gandhi - suatu tragedi pembunuhan yang terjadi pada tanggal 30 Januari Herbert Reiner Jr. - seorang diplomat Amerika Serikat dikenal atas menangkap pelaku pembunuh Gandhi, Nathuram Godse. Antonia Edvige Albina Maino aka Sonia Gandhi has traveled far to serve Indian National Congress.
↑ Sonia Gandhi 3rd most powerful woman. Dicapai 23 Mac ↑ Sonia Gandhi in Forbes' list for Dicapai 31 Ogos ; ↑ Sonia Gandhi among Time's 1Archived at the Wayback Machine. Dicapai 14 Mei ; ↑ Sonia Gandhi among Time's 1Archived at the Wayback Machine. Dicapai 14 Mei Sonia Gandhi - Mastek Newcastle University About I am an experienced learning and development manager, delivering organisational change.
Sonia Gandhi (f. 9. desember ) er indverskur stjórnmálamaður af ítölskum uppruna. Hún er meðlimur Nehru-Gandhi-ættarinnar voldugu og fyrrum forseti Indverska þjóðarráðsflokksins. Hún tók við formannsembætti flokksins árið , sjö árum eftir að eiginmaður hennar og forveri í embættinu, Rajiv Gandhi, var myrtur.
Sonia gandhi young
Sonia Gándhíová (nepřechýleně Sonia Gándhí; rodným jménem Antonia Edvige Albina Maino [1]; * 9. prosinec , Lusiana, Benátsko) je indická politička italského původu a členka Indického národního kongresu (INC), patřící do indické politické dynastie Néhrú-Gándhí. Sonia gandhi nationality
Rahul Gandhi (lahir 19 Juni ) adalah seorang politikus India dan anggota Kongres Nasional India. Rahul adalah putra dari Sonia dan Rajiv Gandhi, cucu dari almarhum Perdana Menteri India, Indira Gandhi, dan cicit dari Perdana Menteri India pertama, Jawaharlal Nehru. Pada , ayahnya (juga mantan perdana menteri) dibunuh oleh kelompok Macan.